Investor and Media Centre



Myer is committed to conducting business in an ethical and environmentally responsible manner. We respect and support human rights, and continue to drive sustainable initiatives to improve our environmental performance and reduce our impacts where we operate






Myer is determined to lower our energy usage, and reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions resulting from our business operations

We have lowered our energy usage and associated greenhouse gas emissions within stores and operations by more than 4.8%. We continue to drive and invest in initiatives and programs that optimise and improve energy efficiency, decrease carbon emissions and reduce water usage in our business operations.

We are committed to understanding and reducing our carbon emission impacts and are exploring sustainable and renewable energy options.

Our new Support Office in Docklands has been rated as a 5-star green design and 5-star NABERS energy office rating. The new National Distribution Centre in Victoria includes energy efficient fittings and incorporates solar power with LED lighting throughout the building.

As we construct and upgrade our stores, we continue to explore sustainable construction standards such as LED lights installation and operation improvements.

Myer is assisting the Federal Government program NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) with the development of its rating product for the retail sector by providing data on annual energy and water usage and participation in the quarterly advisory panel meetings. Myer’s data will provide valuable insights to help better understand the operations and characteristics of different facilities and broader sustainability maturity of the sector.

Packaging, recycling and waste

Myer is committed to implementing initiatives to reduce packaging, minimise waste from landfill, promote recycling and support circular economy schemes

Our top priority is to explore opportunities to reduce our overall impacts of our business operations and supply chain. We are focussed on increasing our recycling diversion rate of 70% to minimise landfill.

Myer’s plastic bag initiative, which focuses on phasing out single use plastic shopping bags, has successfully decreased plastic bag consumption in stores.

We strive to continuously improve our packaging standards, and have implemented initiatives such as paper reduction project in stores, substituted 70% of soft home packaging to natural fibres and phasing out plastic shopping bags. We have also transitioned to recycled swings tags and apparel care labels and offered alternative reusable shopping bags. Myer is also commencing to adopt Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) sourced materials across Myer packaging.

Our recycling and salvage program through Pact Reuse Retail Accessories (formerly TIC), third party reverse logistics company, continues to minimise and repurpose waste from pallets, security tags, damaged and unsold stock, cardboard, paper, hangers and certain flexible plastics.

We continue to explore and prioritise sustainable alternatives for online packaging, and strive to convert our Private Brand product packaging to reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.

We are a proud signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO). Our Action Plan is aligned to the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs). To view our APCO reports, please click here.Opens in new window

Product use and disposal is also a key focus for Myer’s sustainability strategy. This includes the labelling of our product packaging, encouraging the re-use and providing product disposal information for customers to provide actionable strategies for reducing impact. Myer will continue to implement the ARL onto Myer packaging, to take the confusion out of recycling by providing easy to understand instructions about how to correctly dispose of all parts of a product’s packaging. The ARL is an evidence-based label, meaning that in order for a piece of packaging to have it, it needs to be assessed first through the Packaging Recyclability Evaluation Portal (PREP). By ensuring that the right packaging ends up in the right bin, we can reduce the contamination in our waste stream and keep valuable recyclable material out of landfill.

Circular economy

The Salvos

Myer has engaged with long standing charity partner The Salvos to encourage customers and staff to return their second hand clothes to the Hub in each selected store.

Items must be clean, dry, undamaged, have no tears or missing parts, and be in a condition fit for another life with someone else. Clothes collected through our donation stations will be re-sold in The Salvos Stores, where they will create a positive impact for both people and the planet. Clothing items that are not suitable for re-sale will be processed through The Salvos third-party network and converted to rags, fuel blocks and exported.

For more information, please click here.Opens in new window


Myer has partnered with Upparel for an online solution to encourage customers to conveniently and consciously recycle un-repairable, un-donateable textiles that can’t be accepted instore through The Salvos initiative. Upparel are pioneers of circular economy, integrating textile waste back into the supply chain to help close the loop. Their philosophy is to reuse where possible, and recycle where necessary. Textiles suitable for reuse are offered to charities, social enterprises and not-for-profits. Textiles not suitable for reuse are most commonly recycled into Uptex, which is used for packaging, signage, homewares and more.

For more information, please click here.Opens in new window


Myer has exclusively launched a recycling cookware campaign with internationally recognised Homeware brand Tefal from 8th August 2022.

The selected Myer stores to recycle your old cookware are Melbourne, Chadstone, Chatswood, Miranda, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Parramatta, Bondi, Macquarie, Canberra, Garden City & Indooroopilly.

Textile Recyclers Australia

Myer has engaged Textile Recyclers Australia (TRA) to collect textile waste such as off-cuts and samples from the Merchandising teams at Myer's head office. The collected materials are then upcycled in to furniture filler, here in Australia, diverting them away from landfill and stopping the use of virgin materials. This initiative is a practical approach to turn waste in to a resource that supports a circular economy.

Close the Loop

Myer has partnered with Close the Loop to trial a product stewardship scheme for cosmetics from 22nd July 2022 – 16th September 2022.

Close the Loop with support from the Australia Government is working to establish a cosmetic recycling scheme, initially focusing on cosmetic makeup products, by developing a comprehensive collection network that will collect, process and reuse or recycle this waste. This support provides momentum in shifting the industry towards a circular economy to ensure higher rates of recycling of cosmetic products. Selected stores are Sydney, Melbourne, Chadstone, Highpoint, Parramatta, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Ballarat, Albury, Joondalup and North Lakes.

Items that were accepted include any brand of cosmetic makeup items ( see here for full listOpens in new window ). Not accepted were sharps (e.g.scissors, shavers), electrical hair and skincare devices (such as blow dryers or straighteners) or any bio-medical or bio-hazardous waste.

For more information, please click here.Opens in new window

Recycle Mate

Myer has partnered with Recycle MateOpens in new window for the Close the Loop and Tefal’s cookware recycling trials, an initiative of the Australian Council Of Recycling with funding support from the Australian Government’s Environment Restoration Fund program. This platform allows our governments, recyclers and communities to work together to gather and share recycling information. Through leading artificial intelligence, the Recycle Mate app advises the best local disposal options whereby consumers can confirm which bin to use at home or learn if there is a better recycling option nearby. By scanning cosmetic packaging and cookware, consumers are directed to participating Myer stores of these two initiatives.

Ethical sourcing

Myer is committed to offering customers products that are sourced and produced ethically and responsibly. We have a well-established sourcing program to ensure workers’ rights, and we continuously improve our social practices within our operations and supply chain.

Our Ethical Sourcing Program standardises our approach to ethical business conduct and responsible sourcing, and embraces internationally recognised labour standards such as the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI). Our sourcing program details our commitment to continuously enhance due diligence systems to assess risks and compliance, improve traceability of our private brand merchandise and build capability across our operations and supply chain.

We believe and support equal opportunity and basic rights to fair and safe working environments for all. We ensure that our suppliers meet our minimum sourcing requirements at the time of joining and on an ongoing basis and provide ongoing ethical sourcing training to our teams to build capability and understanding of our requirements including modern slavery risks. Responsible purchasing and behaviour practices is included in training, which includes processes for selecting suppliers and understanding how their decisions can potentially influence supply chain conditions, and actions they can take to ensure a positive working practice and relationship with suppliers and their workers. On-site training is provided to suppliers and factories as part of team visits and ongoing discussions.

Ethical Sourcing Policy

Our Ethical Sourcing PolicyOpens in new window outlines our minimum requirements to do business with Myer, and embraces the principles of the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) and internationally accepted labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Myer expects its suppliers share and demonstrate the same commitment to ethical sourcing practices, and that they have management systems in place to achieve and maintain compliance within their supply chain and operations. These requirements detailed in our Supplier Code of ConductOpens in new window and include recognising the rights of workers, whether in our own or suppliers network, be treated with respect and dignity, be provided a safe work environment free from discrimination, abuse, harassment, are protected against slavery or slavery like practices such as forced labour or child labour, be compensated fairly and allowed the freedom of association and right to collective bargain. The Code of Conduct applies to all manufacturers, their approved subcontractors and suppliers within the factories supply chain and operations. Factories are required to display the Code of Conduct where workers can view. These minimum requirements are also incorporated and referenced in supplier contracts.

Modern slavery

Modern slavery describes situations where coercion, threats or deception is used to exploit and undermine people’s freedom. It refers to a range of exploitative practices such as human trafficking, slavery and slavery like practices such as servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, the sale and exploitation of children, restricted movement, and debt bondage.

We reject all forms of modern slavery or exploitation where a person cannot refuse or leave work due to threats, coercion, abuse of power, violence or deception. As one of Australia’s largest retailer groups, we have a longstanding history of fostering ongoing relationships with suppliers to ensure that we work together to address the challenges associated with safeguarding human rights. We are committed to supporting the rights and wellbeing of workers throughout our operations and supply chain, and promoting awareness of modern slavery risks.

In upholding our Ethical Sourcing Policy, all suppliers, regardless of status as a merchandise or goods and service supplier, must have processes to assess its operations and supply chain to identify and prevent potential human rights risks and impacts, and develop corrective actions to eliminate or mitigate such risks within the supply chain (both locally and globally).

We believe that the issue of human rights is a collaborative task and welcomes opportunities to build, maintain and strengthen processes and systems for respecting human rights. Examples of collaboration efforts includes the need to be transparent, share information and ensure open communication and allowing us to receive feedback and access to worker grievance mechanisms.

If a concern regarding slavery, forced or child labour, servitude, debt bondage, deceptive recruitment or any other forms of human rights abuse is identified in our operations or supply chain, we have documented processes in place to enact immediate remediation and response. In all instances the interest of the victim and any other affected parties is paramount and tailored to the specific needs of the victim, with the immediate action to remove the individual from the situation and provide necessary support. We will work with local authorities and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that necessary action is taken against the perpetrators.

To read our current Modern Slavery Statement, click hereOpens in new window

Factory audits

We require factories supplying our Private Brand goods to be audited by a third party social compliance agency, prior to onboarding and on an ongoing basis. Suppliers located in extreme risk countries, as rated against Myer’s country risk profiling, require an audit every 12 months, and those of lower risk every two years.

We recognise the operational and financial impacts of audits, and therefore offer mutual recognition of audits. We also understand that there may be times where suppliers may not fully meet our expectations and, in such instances, we are committed to working with the supplier to address and support continuous improvement. Alternative sources of supply will only be sought where there is a zero tolerance issue raised or if it is evident a supplier is unwilling or unable to adequately remediate concerns. Suppliers with high risk issues have co-operated with remediation actions.

We are committed to promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of all workers, regardless of gender which includes reducing the risk of harassment and abuse. A gender impact assessment particularly focussing on women is considered and applied to all our code of conduct requirements beyond the specific clause that deals with discrimination. Our assessment of factories ensures that the working conditions and arrangements for all workers take into account the different needs of women and men workers, and looks at how their rights can be protected. Specifically we review the percentage of women in management roles to encourage factories to promote women empowerment and rights. We also ensure that there are transparent payroll systems and workers are paid fairly, adequate for the work performed, timely and in accordance with all entitlements required by local and national laws.

We continue to assess the impact of our buying practices, and where required redesign buying practices, create long-term and sustainable relationships with suppliers and work collaborative with industry peers to create leverage and allow for collective action and engagement of social dialogue.

Many factories have established worker voice programs and worker committees or local unions to support the rights of workers. These mechanisms provide workers the ability to raise issues in local language and with anonymity. While in most instances, workers raise issues within existing factory channels, we have setup an additional QR grievance platform, in addition to our Whistleblower Program, for workers to raise issues directly with us. The QR mechanism allows workers to scan a QR code on their smartphone, this process is familiar to workers and allows them to report the issue when convenient to the worker, ie quick scan for contact at a later time.

We engage 250 tier one private brand textile and manufacturing suppliers in over 400 factories across 12 sourcing countries, including China, India, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Where issues are identified, we will always attempt to work through with the supplier to remediate and develop corrective action plans to achieve compliance. In the instance of where serious matters such as child or forced labour, we have documented remediation processes in place with priority given to the victims welfare. We reserve the right to review the business relationship in cases where a factory does not demonstrate that it is dealing ethically and responsibly.

We understand and recognise the need to go beyond audits, and regularly engage with factories and factory management through site visits and ongoing open communication. We also work with industry peers and brands that manufacture in the same factory to inform and strengthen our understanding of the social context of the factory.


Our Ethical Trading program prioritises transparency in an effort to advance human rights, ensure workers are respected and their rights are protected, and reducing modern slavery risks. Transparency means knowing where our private brand products are made and making this information publicly available.

We have also partnered with a third party certification company to assist us in verifying the fibres used in our products to provide transparency on areas of focus.

Our Private Brand factory listing, can be found here.Opens in new window The supplier list includes factory names, locations, types of goods produced, and numbers of workers, and covers our direct vendors. We update our supplier list every six months with the information received from our mapping and audit process.

Living wages

We support and are committed to working towards living wages, freedom of association and collective bargaining, which includes promoting worker opportunities to receive a fair wage. As part of our commitment, we continue to work on improving our purchasing practices and ethical sourcing standards to assist suppliers towards paying a living wage for factory workers and create long-term and sustainable relationships.

The Global Living Wage Coalition defines a Living Wage as “The remuneration received for a standard workweek by a worker in a particular place sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the worker and her or his family. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, health care, transportation, clothing, and other essential needs including provision for unexpected events.”

Currently there is no clear benchmark to measure or determine what constitutes a living wage in each region, city, province or country that we source or manufacture goods, however progress through ongoing and open dialogue and reviews has been made. We continuously review and assess methodologies to calculate a living wage to ensure consistency, sustainability and fair calculation of a living wage. In the absence of a single global methodology to calculate living wage, we reference the benchmarks set out by the Anker Methodology where available, and as an additional resource.

Some of the challenges with establishing a living wage include restrictions on freedom of association and collective bargaining laws and mechanisms in some countries that fundamentally limit the ability of a worker to organise advocate and negotiate fair and sustainable wage increases. Other challenges include benchmark due to location, change in economic conditions and foreign exchange movements, taxation, commodity cost fluctuations, property cost movements, changes to government policies, and petrol and transportation cost variations. It should be noted that the paying of higher prices for finished goods does not necessarily result in higher wages for workers, as the vendor is responsible for passing on the benefit to the worker. We will explore options to address this through separation of labour costs in the overall purchase price of product. We anticipate that this review will be completed by December 2023.

Our Progress
We understand that our purchasing practices can have a direct impact on the wages earned by our suppliers' workers. As a result, we provide training to our buying teams so that they incorporate ethical sourcing and sustainability criteria’s into their business decisions. We commit to supporting our factories by providing training on the importance of paying fair living wages and what it means for their workers. Our audit program also assesses and asks factories to establish a living wage calculation.

We will monitor progress of our factories as part of our living wage tracker, which records factories that are paying a living wage, those that are paying above minimum wage and factories paying a minimum wage. The living wage tracker will be used to analyse any wage gaps of our factories, with analysis to be completed by the end of 2023. We will consult with factories where a living wage has been identified and share learnings with other factories to assist them in paying a living wage. Our research will also be used to improve our understanding and how we can help mitigate some of challenges associated with paying a living wage.

We will work with our direct factories, who we have the most leverage, to assist them in establishing actions and a roadmap to paying a living wage. This will primarily be achieved through

  • improving purchasing practices including ensuring fair terms of payment, reasonable critical path timelines etc
  • better planning and forecasting
  • providing a grievance or worker voice mechanism,
  • supporting factories to proactively adopt a freedom of association policy
  • promoting a gender equality policy and practices
  • respect the rights of workers to collectively bargain
  • encourage non-government organisations (NGOs) to assist in training and communicating workers on freedom of association and collective bargaining

We recognise that multi stakeholder initiatives are the best way to drive change and believe that sustainable improvements in wages can only be achieved collectively. As such we are committed to working collaboratively with industry peers to create leverage and allow for collective action and engagement of social dialogue. We also support and encourage governments to raise minimum wages to close any gaps between minimum wages and living wages, and to respect the freedom of association and collective bargaining.


We are conscious of our environmental impact and continue to work towards doing better by exploring and choosing more sustainable fabrics, fibres and using recycled materials where possible, and limiting waste created as part of our manufacturing and our operations. Our assessment of environmental impacts are embedded and considered into product design to ensure longevity, durability, lifecycle of products, minimisation of water and energy resources, reduction of material waste and wastewater discharge and chemical intensive processes. This includes reducing product packaging, as well as encouraging re-use and recycle, and providing appropriate disposal information.

We work with our factories to ensure, at minimum meet the requirements of local and national laws related to environmental standards, and have a process to assess, measure and manage environmental impacts (eg energy use, water use, waste, discharge of natural resources) and risks resulting from their operations and supply chain. We continue to work with factories to improve and ensure that factory environmental risk impact assessments and management plans are in place, and where required we work back with the factory to monitor progress.

Animal welfare

Myer is committed to protecting animal welfare and the humane treatment of animals

We are committed to a corporate culture of ethical social responsible behaviour and recognise the importance of protecting the welfare of animals within the supply chain. Together with suppliers, we aim to provide customers with quality products that are consistent with recognised animal welfare standards, and adhere to local and national laws.

We source from suppliers with good animal husbandry standards and will not tolerate any forms of cruelty, abuse or inhumane treatment of animals in its supply chain. Suppliers must uphold these values and have processes in place to monitor and ensure that animals are treated humanely and with respect, strive to improve traceability throughout its supply chain, and comply with all applicable local laws and regulations relating to animal production and welfare.

A copy of Myer’s Animal Welfare Policy is hereOpens in new window